How do you know?
How do you know?
HDYK Episode 1: Crunching the People
Welcome to How Do You Know, the podcast about exploring the numbers behind your beliefs. In this episode, Christie, Rebecca and Bridget, three plucky academics who found each other after finding their own ways to a northern corner of Ohio, introduce themselves and talk about how they ended up in the predicament of being people who crunch the people who crunch the numbers.
This podcast is produced with the generous support of the Mozilla Foundation and the National Science Foundation, and with input from community members from Mozilla, the Environmental Data Science Inclusion Network, and our colleagues and students at Kent State University. A special shout out to Kristen Dowling and Emily Loccisano for managing our digital presence and branding. Music featured in this episode is Tired Traveler On The Way To Home, by Andrew Codeman, and obtained from freemusicarchive.org under a CC-BY license.